Collaborative Divorce Attorney in Orlando, FL

Jennifer Dane Family Law

Uncontested Divorce

Collaborative Divorce Reduces Collateral Damage for Your Family

Collaborative divorce is a voluntary process in which couples, with the assistance of collaboratively trained attorneys, work toward reaching a settlement on fair and equitable terms without the financial and emotional cost that often accompanies litigation. Through the Collaborative Divorce process in Orlando, FL, the parties chose to resolve the issues in their dissolution in a mutually beneficial way, outside of the court system. In a collaborative divorce, the parties are empowered to make their own decisions and customize the terms of an agreement based upon their needs and interests.

Experienced Collaborative Divorce Attorney

If you are thinking about or have made the decision to get divorced. The question now is how you will become divorced? If you think that an Collaborative Divorce might be the right process for you, call our experienced attorney for a consultation to discuss all of your options in Orlando, FL. Find out what your next steps are, how long the process will take and what it will cost. When you call the Jennifer Dane Family Law office, your case will not be assigned to a less-experienced lawyer or paralegal, you will speak with attorney Jennifer Dane and she will personally handle all aspects of your Collaborative Divorce case in Orlando, FL.

Keep Moving Forward

The Collaborative Process can present a less disruptive end to a marital or partner relationship that can enable participants to move constructively into their future lives. Since our Collaborative Divorce team in Orlando, FL works in a non-adversarial manner to propose solutions, the participants can transition their relationship in as positive a manner as possible.


Reduce Stress in Your Children

Collaborative Divorce is for parents who want to protect their children from the collateral damage that may result in divorce. The stress, conflict and uncertainty that are present in a divorce or separation can be risk factors for compromised child development.

Transparency and Privacy

The Collaborative Process in Orlando, FL commences before any action is filed in Court. It is a private matter between the participants and their attorneys, guided by private contracts. There are no hearings or depositions. All meetings are held in the offices of the Collaborative Attorneys. Collaborative Divorce also allows the participants to exchange information and documentation in a private forum with transparency and trust facilitated by their professional lawyers team.

Preserve Assets

Preserve Assets

Collaborative Divorce helps participants reach a settlement in a cost-effective manner while attempting to preserve family resources and the relationship between the separating spouses or partners. Making good financial decisions during the divorce process in Orlando, FL is a crucial step towards achieving a positive and equitable outcome that each spouse or partner can live with.

Leaving the Courts out of it

A collaborative divorce case then progresses without the difficulty of the Orlando, Fl Court system. The parties and attorneys will meet in a series of sessions at one location which is attended by a financial neutral chosen mutually by the parties to assist with their financial issues and by a collaborative facilitator to assist with their communication skills. Attorney Jennifer Dane's jobs are to facilitate the creation of a broader range of possible settlement alternatives for both parties than would otherwise be available in Court. This process provides higher quality, individualized solutions which both parties in Orlando, FL find acceptable rather than turning their lives over to a Judge who may or may not understand their needs and desires.

The Collaborative Law Process Explained

Collaborative Divorce offers divorcing or separating parents an opportunity to create their own post-divorce parenting relationship. With the guidance and help of the Collaborative Team which includes an Attorney and a Mental Health Professional, the participants craft a parenting plan together, prioritizing the children’s best interests. This approach allows the family in Orlando, FL the opportunity to control the process, potentially mitigating the stress and uncertainty that comes from a contested divorce.

Jennifer Dane Attorney

To begin the process, the parties sign a Participation Agreement. The Agreement requires the parties to commit to joint sessions intended to resolve their family law issues amicably and without the necessity of court action. The Participation Agreement also requires the parties to voluntarily exchange all financial documents necessary for both parties to make informed financial decisions, to agree to confidentiality of all communications made during the collaborative process in Orlando, FL, and to agree that the collaborative attorneys will withdraw their representation and not represent their clients in court if the process does not yield an agreement.

After each party meets independently with the Mental Health Professional in Orlando, FL, the parties, their Collaborative Family Lawyers and the MHP will conduct joint meetings to work towards settlement of all outstanding family law issues. If an agreement is reached, a Marriage Settlement Agreement or other agreement is drafted and signed by the parties. Thereafter, the Jennifer Dane Family Law office would prepare a Joint Petition for Dissolution of Marriage, a Joint Answer to the Petition and would file the Settlement Agreement with the Court.

Preserve Assets

Each spouse has a Collaboratively trained attorney and often other professionals such as mental health and financial experts who all work together as a team to facilitate the couple reaching agreement.

By choosing Collaborative Divorce in Orlando, FL, instead of a potentially more costly, contentious and less private court-based approach, the couple maintains control over the divorce process and its outcomes, with the help of trained attorneys, who will help guide you toward solutions tailored to your family’s unique situation. The needs of the children and each individual spouse are kept paramount, enhancing the prospect for healthy outcomes for all family members.

Collaborative divorce is a real option for people who want to end their marriage in the most amicable way possible. If you would like to discuss your case with a collaboratively trained attorney, contact Jennifer Dane Family Law in Orlando, FL to discuss your options with our specialized lawyer.